For whom the bell tolls. I like that word 'tolls' and the meaning that a tolling bell is for death, a funeral and I like this....
John Donne (1572-1631), Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions, Meditation XVII: Nunc Lento Sonitu Dicunt, Morieris:
"Perchance he for whom this bell tolls may be
so ill, as that he knows not it tolls for him; and perchance I may think
myself so much better than I am, as that they who are about me, and see
my state, may have caused it to toll for me, and I know not that.
No man is an island,
entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the
main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well
as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend's or of
thine own were: any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in
mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bells tolls; it
tolls for thee."
So whom do I speak you may ask? I speak for many things in essence but for one person the bell is tolling. I'm pissed today. Still a remnant from yesterday lingering. There is nothing more offensive to me than some young asswipe that thinks he can tell me how to live my life while he is being a hypocrite.
You have the audacity to come into my house while I'm working and tell me we need to have a talk. Not only do you knock and then enter without asking, you help yourself to my beer and cigarettes. Presumptuous. Rude. And homey don't play that way.
We are friends that are fucking. Plain and simple. I was lectured on keeping my mouth shut to not say anything about whom I'm fucking. While I put up with stinky feet... the drinking of my beer... constant invitations to watch baseball games...woke in the middle of the night by a continuous drunk...uninvited drop-ins. And conversations that were all about him and bad mouthing somebody I care about. Like an insidious little worm (Insidious..another great word).
I was not really enjoying myself but he was useful. But no not really. Actually he was more irritating than anything.
But the final couple of straws..
I had a touch of the flu and then heaped the beer flu on top of it. Yesterday was not pretty.
He is dropped off by a friend for this little 'a talk' and then when I don't put up with it and he backs down. He grabs another beer and sat his ass down in my office while I'm working, with his cock attitude and wants a blowjob?
Your head almost became removed... fuck the tolling bell, there will be no funeral.