"If I quieted the voices in my head I would face the day with nothing to write."

“The time to begin writing an article is when you have finished it to your satisfaction. By that time you begin to clearly and logically perceive what it is that you really want to say.” Mark Twain.

“And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it.”
― Roald Dahl
FLS=Favorite Little Sister
Sassy Red head=Shana
True Friend=Laura
Mermaid/Slo/Tripod/Chickas=Shannon 1

Spanish Princess/Tripod/Chicka/Vette =Yvette
#61=Youngest son
Mickey Blue Eyes=Oldest son.
BFTP (Blast from the past)/The last Frontier=gone
Big Jim as himself
Vitamin C as himself

Nick as himself

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Some great poetry from the archives

Emily Bronte

But, when the days of golden dreams had perished
And when even despair was powerless to destroy;
Then did I learn how existence could be cherished,
Strengthened and fed without the aid of joy.

The Mourning Bride
William Congreve

“Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, or hell a fury like a woman scorned. "

The clock of life is wound but once,
And no man hath the power
To say just when the clock will stop
At late or early hour.
Now only is the time thine own
To live and love and toil with a will;
Put no faith in tomorrow for the
Clock may then be still .

The nutbrown maid Henry Morley.

O’ Lord what is this worlds bliss
That changeth as the moon
My summers day in lusty may
Is darkened before the noon
I hear you say farewell
Nay, Nay we depart not so soon
Why say ye so? Whither will ye go?
Alas what have ye done
All my welfare to sorrow and care should change
If ye were gone
For in my mind of all mankind
I love but you alone.

Andrew Wyeth:
I think one’s Art goes as far and as deep as one’s love goes. I see no reason for painting but that If I have anything to offer it is my emotional contact with the place where I live and the people I do.

Every eye fixed itself upon him; with parted lips and bated breath the audience hung upon his words, taking no note of time, rapt in the ghastly fascinations of the tale. Mark Twain.


Lover’s don’t finally meet somewhere
They’re in each other all along.

Pablo Neruda

I don’t love you as if you were a rose of salt, topaz or arrow of carnations that propagate fire:
I love you as one loves certain dark things, secretly between the shadow and the soul.

Despair, flows within me
I cannot bring myself to peace
Oh, for the sake of yearning
Let me be free of desperation's toil
The wind blows wickedly, my thoughts
Never lacking
Save me from myself
The never ending burdens
Weighing so heavy on my heart
That my shoulders begin to stoop
Crying silent bitterness in rivulets
Unable seemingly to cleanse my soul
I yearn for sovereignty
Of weak thoughts and heavy tread

By Ranier Maria Rilke
Be patient toward all that is unsolved
in your heart
Try to love the questions themselves
Do not seek the answers
Which cannot be given
because you would not be able to live them
And the point is, to live everything
Live the questions now
Perhaps you will then
without noticing it
live along some distant day
Into the answers.

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