Occasionally I have mentioned, that I love a great first line of a book. In the case of this first sentence I had just exited out of the front door of our office building to began walking across the parking lot to head home from work and while walking reached into my coat pocket for my phone and opened my Kindle App to glance at the new book I had just downloaded. Running my finger across the phone to move ahead in the pages to the first chapter and line and promptly laughed out loud.
"At first, it appeared they both wanted the same cock."
And how does that lead to a picture of Wills and Kate, one asks?
And also I should explain that the first line is referring to a chicken of course.
I'm on a road trip... Left the office early yesterday taking some PTO to head to #61's school conference and then onto my sisters for Miss O's birthday party. Savoring an indolent Friday morning watching the Royal Wedding with my very prego sister and a second cup of tea. Wills and Kate hop into the above Aston Martin that runs on wine and my sister laughs after noticing the "L" on the front of the car. Bringing a laugh from me as well as she points it out and a flood of memories from our second trip to Ireland.
It all started with the first trip to Ireland, My sister and I had rented a cottage in West County Kerry in a small town called Kilgarvan. The cottage was owned by Kevin O'Reilly and he also owned a bar a short walking distance from our cottage. We asked one night in the bar, what the "L's" stickers meant on the occasional cars.
Deepest apologies......To be continued....My dear sister is requesting I shower and get motivated......
And now a week has passed....very prego sister (Due May 15th) went to work Wednesday morning and thought.."My those feel like contractions." But talked herself down and went about her business, they were having a work party for her afterall, at one. At three her contractions were three minutes apart and her co-workers decided to take her to the hospital and Gabriella was born at 7:20. Exciting stuff that. I'm an Auntie again and was thinking that since 5/4 (Wednesday) at work was Star Wars Day (May the fourth be with you) and now Gabriella's birthday, perhaps we should call her Princess Leia instead.
I know my niece would love that name. Also Kate a commoner cannot be a princess in her own right or name but must take on Princess as William. Meaning she is Princess William of Wales. But being a Duchess is not a bad gig.
But I digress....
On the second trip to Ireland, my sister, Tara my nineteen year old niece and I purchased a packaged trip from my friend Shannon Tate of Scottish Dream Tours. As we headed out of Dublin we made jokes about the occasional car with an "L" sticker being losers, because people with the sticker were generally bad drivers. The "L" sticker stands for Learner and the learner has to keep them on their car for quite some time before becoming a fully qualified driver (years actually). As foreigners we felt we were above them because we were licensed and handling the roads quite well.
On a late Irish afternoon while at the grocery store in Waterford we came across the sticker itself for sale and later that night in our jammies slipped quietly out of our bed and breakfast to put the sticker on the back of the car. Days passed and Shannon had yet to notice it, so we moved the sticker to a new spot and more time passed and still he had not mentioned it. It was driving us insane... at a stop at a petrol station, we saw him physically register it, finally. He jerked as he saw it, flushed red and paused, glancing quickly all around. Us three girls watching him from the car started giggling, progressing to laughter as he got in the car. But still he did not say anything.
Putting the car in gear shaking his head at our uncontrolled laughter we melted down into weak puddles of uncontrollable laughter, tears streaming and not able to breathe. And still he was annoyingly silent about the "L" and I finally caught enough breathe to make a snide comment about how long it was going to take him to realize he was a loser like the rest of them.
He sputtered, turned red again and promptly launched into a speech about how he was mortified that he had been making snide comments about all the drivers with "L's" on the car because he had one too. We were laughing so hard at him and gave in and told him we had put it there. That took awhile to sink in and I'm not sure he really believes to this day that we bought it at the grocery store and placed it on the car but I posted the following on his FB page after my sister pointing out the sticker to me on the Aston Martin.
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Princess Leia herself |
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