"If I quieted the voices in my head I would face the day with nothing to write."

“The time to begin writing an article is when you have finished it to your satisfaction. By that time you begin to clearly and logically perceive what it is that you really want to say.” Mark Twain.

“And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it.”
― Roald Dahl
FLS=Favorite Little Sister
Sassy Red head=Shana
True Friend=Laura
Mermaid/Slo/Tripod/Chickas=Shannon 1

Spanish Princess/Tripod/Chicka/Vette =Yvette
#61=Youngest son
Mickey Blue Eyes=Oldest son.
BFTP (Blast from the past)/The last Frontier=gone
Big Jim as himself
Vitamin C as himself

Nick as himself

Sunday, October 11, 2015


A single black crow caws in the morning sun. He sits high on a wire overlooking the yellow leaves of an apple tree. Rusted pine needles poke from the branches of its tree. Two fawns play on the hillside across the street from my house. Butting heads and dancing precariously above an abandoned foundation. The white fur on their rumps flashes in the lingering fog.

The lone crow is out of sync with nature this week. The deer, skunks and raccoon's have all been paired up wandering fifth street. Paired I say because I watched the raccoon in the street as he kept a watchful eye on me. He used my yard to cut through and he stares hard, watchful and protective while his wife sneaks past and joins him on the street. They kiss and cuddle, wander off. Another evening two skunks cavorted together underneath a truck.

Those pesky bugs of fall get stuck in my hair and I have been swatting flies like a mad woman. Nick made a new compost bin for the garden. All the creatures love the bin. They stir and bury the treasures benefiting us both. We have been cleaning the yard preparing for winter. I'm weary of work and some Indian holiday bringing tons of overtime. I keep saying, "I won't regret the paycheck."

This time of the year is my favorite because I get to wear warm cozy clothes, socks and boots. Hunker down on early long nights with soup, bread and a movie. And football. Yes fall brings football and more wildlife.

Go Hawks!

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